I am trying to get myself into as good of shape (physically) as possible before the surgery. The more flexible I can get myself NOW, the easier things will be post-op. In that spirit, I went bike-riding today (over 5 miles!). Exercise is important to ANY singer, with out without TMJ problems! It keeps muscles limber and keeps the blood flowing to them. GET OUT AND DO SOMETHING!! Make it fun (bike-riding, dancing, etc.) ... but I am positive that anything is of benefit.
Despite my teeny tiny mouth, I continue to take voice lessons. Why? What's the point anyway? My teacher and I spend most of our time now on breathing and intonation, which can be done without opening the mouth very much. And in the larger picture, it gives me some amount of hope that this will all be better someday SOON and I can move on with my life.
I've started to wonder about the role of the singer in silence. How does she maintain her persona? Is her instrument all she is? What other depths of life are there? Just some musings for the evening ...