Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pizza, pizza!

So I still can't eat traditional bread (naan, sandwich bread, rolls, etc.) because they are too chewy ... but I felt like taking a risk yesterday and had my first slice of pizza since MAY!!!! And oh man, it tasted good. No pain, just some fatigue ... like any injury, the muscles in my jaw have atrophied to the point that when I clench my teeth (for experimental purposes only!), I barely feel any muscle movement/contraction in my cheeks!

BUT the cure for that is getting back to a normal diet. Pizza was my first step. Behold the wonder:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Life is Good Sometimes

This was just a good moment in a hectic day in a month full of depression and more injury ... but even if it is brief, I try to really enjoy when I feel GOOD and happy. There's usually so much weight on my shoulders ... so this afternoon of "goodness" was one to enjoy ... even though I am starting to come down from it a bit now.

Coming attractions!: "Yona Eats a Burger" and other adventures in TMJ surgery recovery!

Why I can NEVER look normal in the opening shot of these, despite my efforts, I will never know.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I'm still here ... a Return to the Opera!

I'm still here.

I'm still awaiting MRI reports from the accident (which totaled my poor car!). I'm in pain, but walking and doing everything my body is supposed to do.

I went back to the Met tonight ... the first time I had seen an opera since the theatre I was injured at closed on May 31. The opera this evening was, "The Marriage of Figaro." It is so amazing to me that despite my many bad associations with that opera ... it still makes me smile and moves me like none other. I did break into hives and major tachycardia during the scene that I got injured in ... and realized how FAST it was! Gosh ... 5 measures? Maybe? Down and up?

I suppose part of what moves me the most about opera is that here is something that Mozart composed in 1786) that people are still cracking up at today. The blackberries and cell phones are turned off and everything is silent for a few blissful hours. And all we hear are the echoes of a genius being presented to us by the talent of today. The singer very often takes on the responsibility of the "deliverer" ... it's a role I enjoy very much.

This Cherubino (Isabelle Leonard) was fantastic -- she made me so happy. I was able to see more of what I really accomplished ... all that with a swollen left temporal lobe and a displaced jaw! :) It was exciting to think of maybe one day having the possibility of being on a stage with room to run on.

Otherwise, I've been working really hard to get myself back on track vocally and have been VERY focused on graduate school applications ... not sure if that is the next step from here, but we'll see.

I will try to update more often; a big part of recovery is getting my brain and confidence back together. My teacher told me this week that "Singing is the closest you can get to God." I firmly believe this; a magnificent singer is a spiritual one, in one way or another.

I also attached a picture included here is of MY moment as Cherubino at my curtain call (post-injury).

Love to all.