But it all falls under "recovery." And THAT'S what I want to share.
Since I last wrote: PT is up and down. I am getting stronger very quickly (and will probably move up to the next resistance theraband in a few weeks) ... I can actually FEEL thin
gs popping in my back, which means the muscles are loosening. AND I've been able to lie on my back and reach above my head and touch the floor a total of 4 times. Sounds like nothing, but I'll take when I can get. I want to be able to do a windmill with my shoulders soon ... but think that's a few months off!!

I have been so inspired watching these Olympics ... especially by the story of 19yr. old J R Celski, the American speed skater, who sliced his thigh open during the trials in September and came within an inch of his femoral artery. 60 stitches and was told he would never walk again, let alone skate -- and I got to watch him take bronze. It was so amazing to see someone show the WORLD that you can recover from something horrific ... I hope I can show that in a larger way some day. I am certain his journey has not been without psychological struggle ... but what an amazing story. Unreal.
I'd really encourage everyone to read the article below ...
My plans? After a NASTY lower back spasm yesterday that literally paralyzed my legs for about an hour yesterday, I think it is best that I get out and walk ... I've really wanted to go the the Natural History Museum for a while .... so hopefully we'll get our act together and get down there.
Cheers for now ...
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