Sunday, August 9, 2009

10 Days and Counting

Well, 10 days to go ... (technically less, because by the time this gets posted, it may be 8/10)

I'm starting to struggle with nerves. I don't like the general anesthesia idea. I suppose no one does.

I've been really blessed to have an amazing voice teacher who has been unrelentingly helpful and encouraging. We are moving on as we should be, making plans for the future, both eager to get this mouth of mine open (she would argue it never really closed ... :) )

I think it is so important to think positively. For me, it has been the hardest part. A jaw injury to a singer ... unreal. Completely ironic. Utterly unfair. It also happened just as I was starting to really gain confidence as a singer and felt that people were starting to really believe in me.

My teacher thinks God has a purpose for this, a purpose that we just haven't figured out yet. I don't see it AT ALL. I haven't gotten anything good out of this at all, and at times question my faith so deeply that it disturbs me.

But I do have my positive moments. Enjoy those. That would be my number one advice to singers in my position. Enjoy the positive thoughts, focus on them. Focus harder on them than anything else. 

On that note, I'm off ... and hoping for a better week!

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