Perhaps I am particularly gru
mpy because I am in a particularly annoying amount of pain today. I had stabbing pains in my jaw yesterday during a voice lesson (it was the opening and closing thing -- if I could just stay open ...), which threw everything off and landed me with a headache today ... which wouldn't go away and is still nagging.
Sorry. Complaining.
So, let's return to TMJ pain management (for lack of a better phrase). I take Clinoril

NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory)) for the inflammation in the joint and other tissues in the jaw. NSAIDs are pretty much standard for TMJ problems because they involved inflammation, especially when the joint is arthritic (which mine is).

I also take Amrix, a muscle relaxant. They're supposedly addictive, but I couldn't tell you because I take them at night and then hit the pillow.
I also use a TENS unit, which uses electro-stimulation of the muscles to relieve tension and knotting. It is a very odd sensation, and I find that it actually does not go deep enough on me! Most people feel the current at around five ... I'm closer to 9. At least I was today, anyway. I can carry it around with me in this dorky little plastic box that resembles a walkman. Perhaps I should paint a walkman on the front of mine. Would I look like less of a dork?

One of the loneliest aspects of this is that people do not understand pain., certainly not people my age. The pain may not always be directly on/in my jaw ... but may manifest in my neck or shoulders. It is very very draining. I am so thankful for the good days. It's not cool to have too much in common with old people!!! I've always been told I have an old soul, but come on.
But, I can't dwell here ... that's a fine balance: giving in to pain and resting or pushing through. I tend to go or the former, lol ....
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