Surgery went very well, so they said. The breathing tube went up my nose, which I was NOT prepared for, and was definitely not sedated enough when they were shoving about three q-tips per nostril up there to numb it -- in fact, that was the last thing I saw! Then I was out, and I remember waking up with the tube still in and not being able to breathe ... though it must have only been a few seconds, because no one was freaking out ... and then I couldn't stop coughing. The anesthesiologist was shocked that I remember this! But I do -- it's a pretty unique feeling.
My body started seizing up as a result of anesthesia withdrawal ... not a full blown seizure (again, no one was freaking out), but my head would shake back and forth and then my leg would go, then shoulders ... SO strange. I think it took about an hour to stop, but time is kind of warped in there.
Morphine is a sugar pill! It hurt my whole body as it went through my veins, relieved the pain for about 30 min, then I needed more. awful. Surgery was 3 hrs, and I was in recovery for 4 ... then they got fluid back in me, heart rate down, and back HOME.
What a day! I'm never having surgery again, I swear. I'm feeling really awful today (2 days post-op) and am up now because I have a headache ... so I thought I'd write.
I've been so touched by the number of facebook posts and e-mails I've received -- it means so much.
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