T-minus 7 days ...
Since I woke up in an uncharacteristically good mood (I didn't realize just how pessimistic I had been feeling, I suppose). I decided to Google other people who have fallen onstage.
Granted, they are famous people (and somehow didn't hurt themselves as badly!) Steven Tyler fell onstage just recently on August 6 (in fact, I believe he fell OFF the stage) ... Beyonce once tripped and fell down a flight of stairs onstage (head first) ... but the one I relate to the most is mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, who took a bad fall recently during the Barber of Seville at Covent Garden. I can't compare myself to Ms. DiDonato in any other way, of course -- EXCEPT that she finished the show ... with a broken leg! Furthermore, she continued with the run (though I believe stopped early).
There is a lot to be said for sheer will power. I have not spoken much about the accident that brought me here, or how in a split second, your life can change, or how if I had hit my head a fraction of an inch higher and hit my temple, I would have had serious brain damage (at best) ... I have delightful pictures of me in ER, but I will never, EVER post them online!!! I don't remember a whole lot, except my first thought being, "No way, Yona. You've worked too goddamn hard." And then I was up. And I finished.
Her ER photo-op is MUCH better than mine.
I suppose there are times when it is OK to pat yourself on the back. And perhaps I will meet Joyce DiDonato someday and compare horror stories. :)
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