Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Video Post

Just something a little different. I can fit four fingers inside my mouth this evening (stacked horizontally). The downside is that it HURTS and I feel it in the back of my neck ... so we have a lot of work to do rehab wise. This is the very, very beginning that keeps scar tissue from forming (my surgeon removed a TON of scar tissue from the left joint that I fell on -- my jaw was literally glued together from the damage from that).

Rehab is mentally VERY hard, which I am not about to show on video!! But I am not always so chipper. I was not prepared for the emotional toll ... 

And my voice teacher would be kicking my butt because my tongue is not down in this the way a good little singer's should be ... but hey :)

Again, so lovely to hear from so many of you. When I get angry at all this, I tend to focus on the two or three people who haven't even written to ask how things went ... but then I can read facebook and be reminded of all the wonderful people who have kept me in their thoughts and kept me entertained, etc. Love to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Yona,
    Being the dork I am (lol) I watched your video and I must say, you sound really good. After the injury and then some, you just sounded down. Something in your voice didn't sound the same. But I must say, after listening to you in the video you sound like the same old Yona. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this but I totally hear it. I think the surgery not only helped your jaw, it helped you as a person. I hear a brightness to your voice again.

    Rock on girlie! :)
