Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Post-Op Appointment #1

This is the last thing I feel like doing, but it's so much easier to tell several people at once. I had my first post-op today and apparently, I am doing "OK." Not great. I'm bummed. The tension in my neck is so bad that I could cry. My face hurts to the point where I am not sure if I am having an ENT issue or if this is part of the deal (singers are constant hypochondriacs! lol) ... hopefully I can get in for trigger shots in my neck tomorrow and loosen some of this up. And perhaps get a stronger muscle relaxant.

Basically, I was not stretching my jaw enough ... I was stopping when I felt a pull (as per his written instructions), when in reality, I should be working this as I should any other muscle ... to the BORDER of pain, allowing it to relax, then push further.

Even I didn't anticipate what a pain in the ass this would be. And very trying on my mood.

I am down to 2 Vicodin (10mg) and 4 mg Klonopin daily ... and I could use more after today.

Foods I can eat: anything I do not have to chew. As in, my teeth cannot make contact. At all. I am so hungry!

Foods I am craving: steak, hamburgers, tacos, tortilla chips with guacamole, a big Italian sandwich, BBQ, french fries ... and the list goes on.

No picture today ... soon.

Love to all.

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